So, I’m sitting here this morning, thinking about a couple things.  I talked to Blow Torch Lady, my unofficial editor a couple days ago about doing a guest blog on the site, and she agreed.  This woman basically has her own sub-culture out there by this point AND…the people have spoken.

Right now, I’m thinking about is the idea of time.  I have often written about Hansel and Grettel leaving breadcrumbs to find their way out of the forest.  I followed this up, with the idea of time capsules as a way to find our way back to times that made more sense that these days. And, I think that these days, we are trying to find our way back out of the Time Forest. 

I myself, live in my fortress against time.  I sit here at the shop every day, watching the events of the world unfold and everything seems to change around me.  But, I stay the same.  Hm.

I could talk about my “knowledge” about how to slow down time.  Speed it up.  Or freeze it.  But, I won’t.  Ok, maybe I will.  If you want to slow down time, spend it with people you absolutely cannot stand.  Or doing things you hate.  If you want to freeze time, stand in front of the refrigerator door in the middle of the night and just look. Or, sit in your car listening to music.  For those who panic about people who do this, please remember at least those individuals are in a safe, and controlled environment.  Finally, if you want to speed up time, do what you love.

This leads me to think about flora and fauna that must live in this forest as well.  What is any time forest, without a foremost authority on time.  To me, this would be Flavor Flav of the rap group Public Enemy.  He is perhaps the most colorful character in this group, and wears a clock around his neck – pretty much all day long.  At least, he used to in the 1980s and 1990s. 

Rather than list all the time animals I’ve come up with, and there are a few – laughing – I’ll just say that Neil the electric eel is still my favorite.  Sitting there with grace and care, governing himself accordingly, and shocking the living hell out of every living thing around him.  With, great fortitude.

Time locations, I’m thinking about now.  There are three that I have lived over the years, and they are very much like an hourglass.  I’m at the bottom of the hourglass where I live now, and thankfully all I have to do is flip the thing over and start fresh with a new location to start a new one. Again, hm.

So, that concludes my thoughts on all things time this morning. I have decided, that I’m going to include the donation form on every blog post from this point forward, as new people are coming all the time to view and read the site. What is a Blind Man Society these days, without Society writers. And, I’m going to have to start paying contributing writers on top of everything else. This, is going to be fun!

Have a great day everyone, I think this Saturday is a great one to go out and do just about anything. As always, please feel free to leave comments in the box below.


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