In the aquarium, Neil the electric eel governs himself accordingly with a just hand and fine heart.  He sits calmly, with prudence waiting on the food, and pondering the big eel questions.  Thinking his thoughts, he extends his hidden electrical self to radar usage, hunting for the highly elusive feeder fish that arrive at 4 pm daily.

Upon entry to his electrostatic realm, Neil drops the hammer and puts the electricity whammy on them.  The feeder fish absorb his current and swim in highly unpredictable circles – spiraling down, like so many rock careers and circles of hell.  Until at last, Neil emerges and consumes them with great panache and gusto.

Such is…his way.

This, is what happens to my writing when I’m sitting out in 107 degree heat drinking hot coffee at the picnic table outside.  People keep crying out – Think!  Jonathan!  Think!  But, Mr. Jonathan is ALL THOUGHT OUT. 

Have a great day everyone and thank you so much to those who donated on the last post.  It was a great help, however there was an issue and many of them did not get through to me.  So, I am posting the below form one more time.  For the cost of a cup of coffee, we can continue this written journey together.  Season three is in full swing!

Have a GREAT day everyone, would love to hear your thoughts about further pet shop wisdom, and good old fashioned written ribaldry… 


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