Today, I’m thinking about the idea of flipping your lid.  And, I’m going to have fun with this one.  I’m thinking back to some of my favorite movie meltdowns for this blog post, and after careful consideration, I’ve got a few.

The first, is Edward Norton Jr in the movie Fight Club.  Where, he is walking down the stairs at the office slamming into people who get in his way, while dropping papers right and left he’s carrying -while he tells them happily that yes, these are bruises from fighting.  Yes, I am comfortable with that.  I AM ENLIGHTENED.

The second, is Chevy Chase and the character of Clark W. Griswold.  His meltdown in the family station wagon with his wife while driving to Wally World is the stuff of legend.  They get into a door lock fight, a car ash tray fight, and eyes go psychotically wide while smiling at each other in a falsely friendly fashion.  The crown jewel of this movie is when they pull a BB gun out and shoot the security guard in the rear end and force him to open Wally World since the entire park is closed for repairs after their journey from hell to get there.

The third, is Adam Sandler in the movie Happy Gilmore.  He is a golfer on the rise with an incredible long game, and a terrible short game.  So he goes to a miniature golf course one night to work on his skills.  The clown head that the ball is supposed to go through laughs relentlessly at him as it rejects his ball time after time, and eventually Happy charges it with his putter.  He smacks the nose off and shouts “You’re gonna DIE clown!!!!”  (After he concluded his tantrum, the price was very wrong for that clown.)

Fast one today. Hope this was a relatable post, and brought a smile.  Would love to hear your comments on famous movie or observed meltdowns out there, and I hope that everyone has a GREAT day!

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