Today I’ve got a fever. And, I’m sitting here thinking about cell phones.  I myself, am kind of a Cro-Magnon when it comes to cell phones.  I never really wanted one that could land airplanes and open garage doors…just one that called people.  BUT before I launch about technology…

I’m also thinking about the iPhone and Steve Jobs keynote address concerning it – years ago.  In this address, the first iPhone was unveiled with all its new features.  Later on in the address, John Mayer the musician played a song or two and said one of the most memorable lines I’ve ever heard.  He said, that the phone just made life more FUN.  All these people debating and justifying over the uses and capabilities of the phone and he bypassed everybody and everything that fast with that comment.  And, suddenly, all was right in the jungle. 

This leads me to think about technology proper, and it makes me ask the question of when we are going to use it, to make life less expensive.  We are the only species on this planet, that has to pay, to live here.  It’s like our apartment.  When are we going to use all this cumulative knowledge to make things easier at last.  And, more FUN.

THIS leads me to think about being hardwired in a way.  When things are too good we white out.  When things are too bad, we black out.  When we get too intelligent, we go nuts. When we are not smart enough, we are in peril. We seem to have caps built in to us to keep us in a certain range.  And, I’m wondering to myself if that is really the yin and the yang of us.  Because, if it is, we are in the center, walking a path that is curving all over the place.  I’m often asked what “the path” is.  Is it a set road.  Is it a fixed road.  I think, it’s ever evolving and invisible.  It adapts to us, and we run to catch up with it.  Hm.

I’m sitting here at the coffee shop today, with the remnants of a fever and fighting a head cold.  When I was younger, I used to keep a journal – and only write in it, when I had a fever.  I called it the fever journal, and I had some interesting insights by the time it was done.  The above are from that journal.

I hope everyone has a GREAT day out there, and as always, please feel free to leave comments in the box below.

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